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Creating Clarity - The Role of Guna-s in Yoga & Ayurveda


Creating Clarity - The Role of Guna-s in Yoga & Ayurveda

Join AYC practitioners led by Barbara Brian and Jill Harris, to delve into the role of the guna-s in creating clarity. This weekend of study is aimed at current yoga teachers (open to those from any tradition) or experienced practitioners who wish to deepen their understand and dive into yogic philosophy.

The Gunas are qualities that pervade all of life. Ayurveda teaches that sattva (balance, clarity) is the dominant guna for health. In Yoga we prize sattva as the goal of practice for a refined Mind. Yet transformation and change (parinama) are the basis of our human experience which means sattva is ever shifting, rather than a permanent state.

Saturday 15 June - Hosted by Barb Brian

Barbara Brian anchors the day with the assistance of AYC yoga teachers. Barbara will continue to offer case studies, and anecdotes that highlight the therapeutic benefits outlined in Chapter III of the yoga sutra-s of Patanjali.

Rebecca Nathan will provide research useful for this step-by-step approach to strengthening our body as we age.

Osteopath & yoga teacher Geetha Soosay will offer a special session on “Caring for our Back” using the step-by-step methodology of III.15

  • 9.00 – 10.30: Introduction to Chapter III Yoga Sutra-s with a short practice.

  • 10.30: Break (30 minutes)

  • 11.00 – 12.30: ‘Caring for our Back’  - Geetha Soosay

  • 12.30: Lunch (60 minutes)

  • 1.30 – 2.30: Case Studies to highlight yoga sutra focus - Barb Brian

  • 2.30: Break (30 minutes)

  • 3.00 – 4.30: Yoga Sutra Ch III & short practice - Barb Brian

Sunday June 16 - Hosted by Jill Harris

Jill Harris anchors the whole day with the theme: ‘Creating Clarity - The Role of Guna-s in Yoga & Ayurveda’. The focus will be on:

  • How do the Gunas inform the Mind?

  • The Gunas are qualities that pervade all of life

  • Ayurveda teaches that sattva (balance, clarity) is the dominant guna for health. In Yoga we prize sattva as the goal of practice for a refined Mind.

  • Yet transformation and change (parinama) are the basis of our human experience which means sattva is ever shifting, rather than a permanent state. 

  • How does Yoga practice reorient us to Sattva?

  • What do we come to understand when the Mind experiences this state of refinement?

Perspectives from both Chapter 3 of the Yoga Sutras and Samkhya philosophy will be discussed. Practices will be given to highlight these teachings. The day will unfold organically around the theme How do the Gunas inform the Mind?

  • 10-11am: Session 1 Introductory Practice

  • 11am: Break (15 minutes)

  • 11.15am-12.30pm: Session 2

  • 12.30pm: Lunch (60 minutes)

  • 1.30-3.30pm: Session 3

  • 3.30-4.30pm: Session 4 Concluding Practice


  • 2 days (full weekend) $250 | 1 day $140 | Half day $80

Applications/expressions of interest are now invited. Click the button below to get in touch, or contact Barb directly.

26 May

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20 June

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