Workshops & events
Breath work & meditation series
Join Bec for a series designed to help reduce tension in the body, bring a sense of calm to the mind and promote overall health and wellbeing.
Personalised yoga group practice series
This is a very small group class where each student has their own yoga practice via a one-on-one session with Yoga Therapist Barb Brian. This session must be booked before joining the group class, so that a practice can be designed for them.
Space and sound series
A month-long series of classes to create space for sound, led by Fiona Hardie.
Post-graduate workshop: Personalising yoga practice
A full day post-graduate workshop for teachers wishing to teach private classes, or to attend to varying student needs in a group class.
Vedic chanting series
Join Fiona Hardie, AYC’s vedic chanting teacher and learn traditional, healing Vedic chants.
Post-graduate study - The Katha Upanisad
This astonishing text from the Black Yajur Veda is a beautiful dialogue between a precocious young man called Naciketas and Yama, the god of death.
Valerie Fimat-Faneco will extract some of the most well-known and important verses illustrating the ideas found within the Kaṭha Upaniṣad.
Vedic chanting series
Join Fiona Hardie, AYC’s vedic chanting teacher and learn traditional, healing Vedic chants.
Meditate on the sky with Fiona
A new meditative series begins this Thursday with Fiona Hardie, her theme is to meditate on the sky.
Meditation with Lyn
In these hectic times, make a commitment to re-balance, restore your inner peace, and relax by connecting to the natural elements.
It has been said, it takes 3 weeks to break a habit. Explore the concept of vairagyam (detachment), make a vow, and make a change.
Winter solstice intensive
Celebrate the cosiness of winter with three consecutive early morning yoga classes during winter solstice.
Creating Clarity - The Role of Guna-s in Yoga & Ayurveda
Join us for a weekend of post graduate yoga studies. Learn from experienced AYC therapists as well as guests.
Vedic chanting series
Join Fiona Hardie, AYC’s vedic chanting teacher and learn traditional, healing Vedic chants.
Easter yoga intensive
Join Barb Brian for a daily Easter long weekend yoga intensive, exploring various breath techniques within asana and meditation.
Exploring the Potential of the Mind
Join senior AYC teachers and guest teachers during this postgraduate study weekend where we will delve into Pantjali’s Yoga Sutras with a focus on understanding the potential of the human mind.
Yoga Teacher Training course
Yoga Teacher Training with Jill Harris at Kyo Yoga.
500 hour immersion course across 2 years starting in 2023.
Meditative Practice Mini Series
Set aside some time to meditate with our upcoming Meditative Practice Mini Series, led by Fiona Hardie
Inversions and arm balances
Ever wanted to learn some yoga arm balances or inversions outside of those done in your regular practice? Come to our 5 week series which will include a 30 minute vinyasa to warm your body, followed by some skills and technique to prepare for inversions and arm balances.
Integrating yoga tools into your Āsana practice
The goal of this class is to experience the layering of the different tools of Yoga in our Āsana practice.
Introducing Prānāyāma in Āsanas and the use of Sound in Āsanas.
Spring Yoga Intensive
Spring clean your body, breath and mind through a 3 day early morning yoga intensive with Jess Wozniak.
Vedic chanting series
Join Fiona Hardie, AYC’s vedic chanting teacher and learn traditional, healing Vedic chants.
Heart of Yoga week
Join Barbara Brian for an early morning winter intensive celebrating TKV Desikachar’s birthday in our Heart of Yoga themed week.
Meditative Practice Series
Set aside some time to meditate with our upcoming Meditative Practice Series in June/July, led by Fiona Hardie
iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Workshop
Are you curious about learning Meditation as a form of self-inquiry?
iRest is a modern day adaption of the ancient practice of Yoga Nidra. It’s goal is to reconnect us with our deepest, most intuitive and spontaneous intelligence - our Essential Nature. To welcome life on its terms and to meet each moment without agenda or expectation.
Postponed: The elements of nature and yoga
When our inner elements vibrate in perfect harmony with the Cosmos, Life is a Dance of joy!
A journey from the gross to the subtle through the 5 elements of Nature: Earth - Water - Fire - Air - Space
Vedic chanting classes
Join Fiona Hardie, AYC’s vedic chanting teacher and learn the mahanarayana upanisat -sometimes known as prane nivisto - and is the chant from which one of mantras Barb uses regularly is drawn - 'pranaya svaha'.
City retreat
We end our year with our traditional 5 day ‘city retreat’. Balance the overstimulation of Christmas, gently letting go of 2022, holding the treasures to inspire us into 2023. We offer 2 hours a day with an option of 1 hour.