Favouring Function, Forgoing Form: The Myth of Style in Yoga
We continue to acknowledge the importance of function over form in this article by Robert Brimberg.
Reflections on 2024 Agama City Retreat
Claudia Craig, student of AYC shares her reflections on our recent City Retreat, held annually between Christmas and New Year.
Celebrating life’s transitions
Jess reflects on how yoga gracefully supports her in the transition into motherhood
Echos of India
Reflections on India from Retreat hosts Jill and Dani, as well as participant Alycia. Jill writes that “every step in this ancient land calls for a relinquishment of control and an acceptance of what is. In doing so, India teaches us that surrender is not a loss, but a return, a return to our true selves…”
Why is it important to be specific in your yoga practice design?
An inspiring article by Olga Kabel for those interested in the upcoming Post Graduate Course on personalising yoga practices.
The Multilayered Being and Yoga Practice
Jill Harris in a yoga therapy session in her studio.
Our capacity to influence change
Read an inspiring story from Lyn Carrodus in Darwin about how she was able to overcome challenges and create a beautiful community.
Celebrating winter at AYC
Learn what AYC has in-store this June from founder and director, Barbara Brian as we celebrate Heart of Yoga weekend.
Yoga as a tool to strengthen as we age
A practical guide to strengthening through yoga with AYC teacher, Bec Nathan.
Moving towards autumn 2024
AYC founder and director, Barbara Brian, updates us on what’s in store for March as we move from late summer into autumn
Meditation class at AYC
Read about Fiona Hardie’s experience at AYC’s weekly meditative practice, led by Denise Duprat.
The class is held each Thursday in Term 1, 2024.
India trip to KYM
Some of our AYC teachers recently travelled to India’s Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram for a week of study and exploration.
New class: Yoga for strength & energy
New yoga class in Middle Park focusing on building strength and energy
New Class: Body, Breath & Mind
New yoga class in Middle Park focusing on connecting body, breath and mind.
Celebrating AYC’s Yoga Teacher Training Graduates
AYC was established in 1989, many yoga teachers have been trained during this time.
Our most recent group graduated on Sunday 26th March 2023.