Celebrating winter at AYC

Find out the latest news at AYC from founder and director Barbara Brian

By Barbara Brian

Winter is making its presence felt in the early mornings and evenings. Known as the time of water… darkness, dormancy and hibernation, this is the perfect time to go inward, for self-reflection. As we come closer to the darkness of winter, our group and private classes will increasingly concentrate on the last three limbs of yoga that take us into this more reflective state.

Our annual ‘Heart of Yoga’ celebration is coming up during the middle of June to honour the birth of my teacher, TKV Desikachar and of our tradition. We celebrate his legacy with a postgraduate weekend June 15 & 16 and a sunrise winter intensive June 20,21 & 22.

We hope both yoga teachers and students can join us for this celebration.

- Barb and our team @ AYC

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May at AYC