Breathing, relaxing & reflecting

New class added to AYC timetable

Artwork by Nadia Chaves

Breathing, relaxing & reflecting
Tue 6.30 - 7.30pm with Dr. Nadia Chaves

So, the year has started and it is stretching out in front of us. Already we have a few things on our do to lists, a few great expectations for ourselves and perhaps even some unmet resolutions from last year or things to catch up on now the holidays are over. Are you stressed yet? Perhaps. But why? When the year has only just started? You aren't alone!

Come and join Nadia on Tuesday nights at 6.30-7.30pm to learn how to reduce the overwhelm. During this class we will focus on deep relaxing and I will share yoga tools such as breathing, simple movement and mindfulness to help build a space for reflection and calm. We will talk about how to build these tools into your everyday to stay present.


Celebrating AYC’s Yoga Teacher Training Graduates